I listened in amazement to the radio broadcast the other day.
"The Obama administration has announced that Kenneth R. Feinburg will be the new Compensation Czar."
Compensation Czar?!
Did I hear that right?! It couldn't be! Not here in the 21st Century in the United States of America. No way!
And yet, the announcer said it as if this were just....normal.
Chills ran down my spine.
Did I miss something here? Am I now living in Soviet Russia?!
The term "Compensation Czar" should send chills down every American spine.
The alarm is certainly going off in my head: Danger, Will Robinson!
I am amazed that the American public is not outraged by this.
Have we become numb? Are we asleep? Not paying attention?
Is the American public convinced that "those rich people" didn't deserve what they were getting?
Do they believe that having government officials appoint someone to control the compensation of "those rich people" makes perfect sense?!
I fear it is the latter and that is what is most scary.
People - even smart people - just seem to be saying: "Oh well...I guess Obama knows what is best. He's so smart. He'll take care of everything."
I listened with amazement at the lack of discussion of this as I have gone through my business in the last couple of days.
Where is the outrage?
Where is the fear?
My fellow Americans, we are treading down a slippery slope indeed when the president of the United States - or ANY government official - can have direct influence on what ANY private American citizen earns in his or her role as an employee of ANY company.
Forget Separation of Church and State.
How about Separation of Business and State?!
The truth is that a significant reason the financial institutions and automobile industry is experiencing such financial woes is that Washington bureaucrats tried to tell the executives of these companies how to run their business in the first place.
In 1975, Ayn Rand warned us: "One of the methods used by statists to destroy capitalism consists in establishing controls that tie a given industry hand and foot, making it unable to solve its problems, then declaring that freedom has failed and stronger controls are necessary."
Indeed, government-dictated lending and union policies had a much greater negative affect on these companies than the compensation packages of a few highly paid executives.
These executives merely implemented the directives given them by government.
Now the government fat-cats come along and say "we see that you did what we TOLD YOU to do" but that didn't work. Therefore, YOU are to blame."
This is simply nonsense.
Did we all just step through the Looking Glass?
Is this country being run by a bunch of Mad Hatters?!
Wake up America!
I have no desire to live in a socialist country.
I'm scared.
I think I'll go watch Friday the 13th.
It can't be any scarier than the latest radio broadcast.
I sent you an email about this issue. This congress and president are totally out of control by anyone and "of the people and by the people" has perished...Watch "Doctos Zhivago" instead and see what happened when achievers were ridiculed and and scorned...this is what is happening here and now with a bloodless coup toppling all of the principles of freedom we should hold dear. It is a shame that the "bothersome" (Obama's own words) Constitution is getting in the way of progressing toward socialism!
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ReplyDeleteMy good friend Bill Stanley sent over these excellent points. Thanks Bill!
excellent you are bringing this up...we have a "car czar" and a lot of other entities that are not elected nor approved by congress. Did you notice when Geitner simply refused to obey the mandate of congress that all TARP money would be returned to the general fund when repaid and stated "it might be needed for other stimulus"! Is that taxation and spending without representation? I think so! The arrogance of this group is astonishing and unfortunately Rush Limbaugh is a babbling egotist that cause ridicule on his few truths scattered among his self-indulgent rants!
I am terrified with what I see, but feel powerless to stop it or even slow it down. When the unions own 60% of Chrysler do you think they will vote themselves a reduction in pay or kiss the feet (with votes etc.) of "the one"! Do you think Government Motors (GM) will deliver autos that consumers want or will they be forced to provide only what the government believes we should have? Their merger with FIAT (a maker of fine cars-not) doesn't tell us where this is headed.
I am not a particularly religious person, but I have studied the bible to some degree, and the description of the "anti-Christ" fits our president and his entourage precisely!
I personally "am mad as hell" but I do believe we are destined to "take it" whether we agree or not! "Atlas Shrugged" is really coming to fruition as well as "1984". Leadership is non-existent for any effort to oppose this czarist state we are becoming more rapidly that I ever thought possible!
Enough rant on my part...I certainly enjoyed yours!
Bill Stanley
Ashley Barlow weighed in on the matter....Thanks Ashley!
ReplyDeleteHe is wanting the US to become a socialist country. I will not let that happen :) We voted for McCain.... and strongly AGAINST the Obama blasphemy!
Ashley Barlow