Monday, May 7, 2012

Richard M. Nixon, Thespian Interpreter Of Ayn Rand By Stephen J. Gertz

Did you know that Richard Nixon acted in one of Ayn Rand's plays back in the 1930's. Terrific story from Booktryst:

"On the evening of October 20, 1938, Richard M. Nixon, a year after being admitted to the  bar  and thirty years prior to his election as POTUS, trod the boards as District Attorney Flint for the first of a two night run of the Whittier Community Players' production, staged at the Whittier Woman's Club House, of Night of January 16thAyn Rand'scourtroom drama,  her first play and a hit on Broadway during the 1935-36 season."

Read more here:
BOOKTRYST: Richard M. Nixon, Thespian Interpreter Of Ayn Rand

For me, one of the most fascinating parts of this story was to learn that Ayn Rand experimented with audience participation back then.

"Rand's contrivance inNight of January 16th was to have the play's jury chosen from each performance's audience and let them decide the play's ending, "guilty" or "not guilty." Further, Rand left the ultimate truths ambiguous, leaving it up to the actors to decide whether their characters were lying or being honest. - another nod to politicians who often don't know whether they're  honestly lying, lying about being honest, are actually honest, or honestly don't know the difference."

Principlex by Steve Butterbaugh

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