Monday, June 22, 2009

The American Economy in the Eyes of a Teenager

This powerful, thought-provoking post is from a very special guest blogger, my 15-year old son, Don Kyle.

The topic I would like to discuss today is the economy. In many ways it has impacted every single American today and what has been done to prevent it? Nothing!

My fellow Americans, this country was not based upon the founding principles so that the government can just spend all the money they want, or control all the companies and banks they want, and take the money from the very soul and heart of this country - the small business owners or the CEOs. No!

We must take a stand for ourselves because the fat cat democrats in the White House aren't listening. We need to show them that we won't put up with this anymore.

So Obama says he is gong to fix the economy but how? How could you possibly fix a dramatically declining economy by spending more and more money when we are running out of money?

I say to every American now that by supporting this man you might as well be a socialist or insane. Twenty or thirty years ago, they wouldn't stand for this kind of action where the people are being taxed left and right to help pay off Obama's so called perfect stimulus package.

Also, we as a country and as Americans need to consider what this will do for our kids ant their kids for future generations to come. If things keep going at a rate like this, they will be the ones paying for our mistakes. I f we put a stop to this now we might be able to save them.

I would love to keep going on about this ridiculous taxes or even the new cell phone tax but alas I haven't much time to speak but I wanted to leave you with something to inspire you and every American as a country to gain back that fighting spirit and that well overdue patriotism. I only hope that you can consider that if a 16-year old boy can be as enthusiastic as I, then maybe just maybe we can have a chance at turning this catastrophe into something amazing and that our economy will be booming just as it was in the early days.

Just remember its your kids' future and their kids. Don't make them suffer for a mistake we made. Fix it now.

To check out Donald's blog, visit....

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Compensation Czar? How Bizarre... and Scary!

I listened in amazement to the radio broadcast the other day.

"The Obama administration has announced that Kenneth R. Feinburg will be the new Compensation Czar."

Compensation Czar?!

Did I hear that right?! It couldn't be! Not here in the 21st Century in the United States of America. No way!

And yet, the announcer said it as if this were just....normal.

Chills ran down my spine.

Did I miss something here? Am I now living in Soviet Russia?!

The term "Compensation Czar" should send chills down every American spine.

The alarm is certainly going off in my head: Danger, Will Robinson!

I am amazed that the American public is not outraged by this.

Have we become numb? Are we asleep? Not paying attention?

Is the American public convinced that "those rich people" didn't deserve what they were getting?

Do they believe that having government officials appoint someone to control the compensation of "those rich people" makes perfect sense?!

I fear it is the latter and that is what is most scary.

People - even smart people - just seem to be saying: "Oh well...I guess Obama knows what is best. He's so smart. He'll take care of everything."

I listened with amazement at the lack of discussion of this as I have gone through my business in the last couple of days.

Where is the outrage?

Where is the fear?

My fellow Americans, we are treading down a slippery slope indeed when the president of the United States - or ANY government official - can have direct influence on what ANY private American citizen earns in his or her role as an employee of ANY company.

Forget Separation of Church and State.

How about Separation of Business and State?!

The truth is that a significant reason the financial institutions and automobile industry is experiencing such financial woes is that Washington bureaucrats tried to tell the executives of these companies how to run their business in the first place.

In 1975, Ayn Rand warned us: "One of the methods used by statists to destroy capitalism consists in establishing controls that tie a given industry hand and foot, making it unable to solve its problems, then declaring that freedom has failed and stronger controls are necessary."

Indeed, government-dictated lending and union policies had a much greater negative affect on these companies than the compensation packages of a few highly paid executives.

These executives merely implemented the directives given them by government.

Now the government fat-cats come along and say "we see that you did what we TOLD YOU to do" but that didn't work. Therefore, YOU are to blame."

This is simply nonsense.

Did we all just step through the Looking Glass?

Is this country being run by a bunch of Mad Hatters?!

Wake up America!

I have no desire to live in a socialist country.

I'm scared.

I think I'll go watch Friday the 13th.

It can't be any scarier than the latest radio broadcast.

July 3-11, 2009 - Objectivist Summer Conference 2009, Boston, MA

Recent months have poignantly demonstrated the importance of philosophy in human life, as current events seem to spring directly from the pages of Atlas Shrugged. As most Americans look towards government to rescue them, ARI's conference speakers will showcase the alternative solutions offered by Rand's philosophy. Please visit the OCON 2009 Web site for complete information and to register for the conference.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Celebrating Tax Day with a Tea Party

Happy Tax Day - NOT!

What would our forefathers say?

To commemorate our fearless patriots from 1773 and to
tell the world that WE are TIRED of excessive TAXATION
thousands of people will be attending Tea Parties across the
USA (and around the world) today.

I plan to be at the one on the State Capitol Steps in Atlanta
where Sean Hannity will be broadcasting his TV show starting at 9 pm.

It's not a Dem or Repub thing, it's a personal liberty
and We The People movement, one that I am standing
shoulder to shoulder with millions of others who want
to preserve the USA for ourselves and our families.

Will you stand with us?

Find a Tea Party near you on this map, it's got
FOUR pages of them, pick one and go - you will
be inspired and encouraged:

Scroll down the left side of that page to access
the other pages of the maps.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Letter from Tea Party Patriots

Visit Tea Party Patriots at:

A message to all members of Tea Party Patriots

Hi All,
We are now in the final countdown to the big day! Can you believe that it is right around the corner? I really believe that April 15th will be bigger than any of us could have ever imagined! One thing is for sure, it will be a historic day!

I am thrilled that all of you are here and are part of this historic movement. As I have said before, this movement is your is about the people and for the people. It is truly remarkable that so many of us have joined forces to protect our constitution and fight big government. America needs us right now and I feel that together, we can save her.

Tea Party Patriots has grown so much and so quickly, it has been hard to keep up with the site. I am doing my best and appreciate all of your participation, support and patience. I feel sure that all of you and Tea Party Patriots will be an essential part of this movement going forward. April 15th is only the beginning and there is a lot more work ahead for all of us.

I am working with several others to grow this group and define a clear vision going forward. I would like to thank all of you for participating in the discussion about the tea party movement. I am working through those posts and trying to get a feel for what you all want and expect out of the group. If any of you have any additional ideas, thoughts, or suggestions that you would like to contribute, please send me a message or an email. I may not reply immediately, but I will get back with you. I would love to hear what is on your mind.

Additionally, I am looking for a branding logo for Tea Party Patriots. Unfortunately, I am not very creative, so I need help in this area. If you have any ideas and can put a design together to send to me, that would be awesome! This design would be used on the front page of this group as well as other places throughout the web and in print.

Thank you for being part of this historic movement! Good luck on April 15th!


Visit Tea Party Patriots at:

Friday, April 10, 2009

ARC on the Tea Parties

Hi folks - I wanted to forward on an important email from the Ayn Rand Center. Great resources here. Thanks, Gina

Dear Admirer of Ayn Rand,

Earlier this week, we wrote to you to promote a new video, titled "Atlas Shrugged and the Tea Party Revolts." Today we're writing to let you know that we are expanding this effort with two new videos, along with a new Web page of Tea Party Resources.

The new videos expand upon the moral meaning of the Tea Party efforts, and the ideas that will be needed in order to make the defense of individual rights a success.

Once again, we want to bring these videos to as wide an audience as possible, and we encourage you to view them and, if you like them, pass them along to others. Remember also that you can watch our videos as they are produced by subscribing to our YouTube channel for updates.

We are also proud to present our new Web page, titled "ARC on the Tea Parties." There you'll find relevant material on the morality of capitalism, Atlas Shrugged, and ARC's tea party resources. Materials on the page include:

  • Flyers that can be used as Tea Party handouts
  • Speaker resources
  • Video presentations by ARC spokesmen
  • Radio interviews
  • Recordings of Ayn Rand
  • ... and much more.

I'm grateful for the outpouring of activism that we have seen from our audience in recent times. I encourage you to continue, so that we may influence the culture towards Ayn Rand's vision of individual rights and laissez-faire capitalism.


Yaron Brook
Executive Director
The Ayn Rand Center for Individual Rights

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Monday, March 16, 2009

Is Rand Relevant

Yaron Brook is the President of the Ayn Rand Institute. I think you will enjoy his profound opinion-editorial was published recently in the Wall Street Journal.

Is Rand Relevant?

Ayn Rand died more than a quarter of a century ago, yet her name appears regularly in discussions of our current economic turmoil. Pundits including Rush Limbaugh and Rick Santelli urge listeners to read her books, and her magnum opus, "Atlas Shrugged," is selling at a faster rate today than at any time during its 51-year history.

There's a reason. In "Atlas," Rand tells the story of the U.S. economy crumbling under the weight of crushing government interventions and regulations. Meanwhile, blaming greed and the free market, Washington responds with more controls that only deepen the crisis. Sound familiar?

The novel's eerily prophetic nature is no coincidence. "If you understand the dominant philosophy of a society," Rand wrote elsewhere in "Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal," "you can predict its course." Economic crises and runaway government power grabs don't just happen by themselves; they are the product of the philosophical ideas prevalent in a society -- particularly its dominant moral ideas.

Why do we accept the budget-busting costs of a welfare state? Because it implements the moral ideal of self-sacrifice to the needy. Why do so few protest the endless regulatory burdens placed on businessmen? Because businessmen are pursuing their self-interest, which we have been taught is dangerous and immoral. Why did the government go on a crusade to promote "affordable housing," which meant forcing banks to make loans to unqualified home buyers? Because we believe people need to be homeowners, whether or not they can afford to pay for houses.

The message is always the same: "Selfishness is evil; sacrifice for the needs of others is good." But Rand said this message is wrong -- selfishness, rather than being evil, is a virtue. By this she did not mean exploiting others à la Bernie Madoff. Selfishness -- that is, concern with one's genuine, long-range interest -- she wrote, required a man to think, to produce, and to prosper by trading with others voluntarily to mutual benefit.

Rand also noted that only an ethic of rational selfishness can justify the pursuit of profit that is the basis of capitalism -- and that so long as self-interest is tainted by moral suspicion, the profit motive will continue to take the rap for every imaginable (or imagined) social ill and economic disaster. Just look how our present crisis has been attributed to the free market instead of government intervention -- and how proposed solutions inevitably involve yet more government intervention to rein in the pursuit of self-interest.

Rand offered us a way out -- to fight for a morality of rational self-interest, and for capitalism, the system which is its expression. And that is the source of her relevance today.

Dr. Brook is president and executive director of the Ayn Rand Institute.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

A Letter from a Working Person

From Gina. I heard Herman Cain talking about this tonight on his radio show. The author Dan Kennedy is renowned in the marketing world. RGS - Really Good Stuff! Enjoy!

A Letter from a Working Person
Dear Chris Matthews, build your own business and see if it feels like work.

By Dan Kennedy
Business & Media Institute
3/3/2009 11:59:50 AM

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Imagine my surprise to hear Chris Matthews, on his February 26 broadcast, enthusiastically announce that President Obama is “promising to tax the rich people in order to pay for health care for the working people.”

Dear Mr. Matthews: maybe you are a rich person who doesn’t earn your money and doesn’t work. Since I see you working on TV all the time, perhaps you secretly feel that cheerleading for Barack Obama isn’t really “work.” I’m willing to accept your critical self-assessment.

But I and all the other people I know earning over $250,000.00 a year – and into seven figures – well,we are definitely working people. Most of us work longer hours than our employees do, take more work home to do in evenings, and work more weekend hours than our employees do. Many of us travel and spend a great deal of time away from our families. Many of us bear enormous executive responsibility and the stress that comes with it.

We also do more valuable work – not by accident, but because we have worked very hard to make ourselves more valuable. We have chosen to learn more and keep learning more; read more, play less; develop expertise. And almost all of us worked much, much, much harder than the ‘average working person’ for years, even decades, to create our businesses, master our crafts and skills, build our reputations, and finally put ourselves in positions to harvest our current high incomes.

As a matter of fact, our willingness to work more and work harder than most of those you designate as “working people” might just be the reason we now, finally earn much higher incomes. I know this is a troubling concept for liberals, but there it is: cause and effect.

So when you speak class warfare, it enrages us. Your dividing of Americans into separate groups, “working people” and “rich” – thus characterizing the rich as “not working people” – is obscene.

Oh, and just for the record, we already pay extraordinarily high taxes. More importantly, we pay an exorbitant share of the total U.S. tax burden – far, far in excess of the difference between our incomes and those paying less, little or none, and far in excess of our ratio to the population and our consumption of services.

We are Atlas already carrying the entire nation on our shoulders, and we are now tempted to shrug. You see, we could choose not to work if sufficiently antagonized, assaulted and abused. And for every one of us who takes the next four years off, thousands can kiss their jobs bye-bye. If that’s a surprise to you, I’d be delighted to explain it with specific examples.

We not only work harder than all those we provide jobs for, we also provide nearly all the capital and take all the risks to create businesses and build communities and retail centers and everything else that provide the majority of jobs. Those you see as working people create no jobs for themselves; we non-working rich provide them all. If we put our capital on strike for the next four years – a strike already in progress – there’ll be 16 to 20 percent or worse unemployment, a 3,000 or lower Dow wiping out all working peoples’ pensions and retirements entirely, boarded up businesses as far as the eye can see, and no health care for anybody.

Yes, that’s a threat.

Finally, a quick math lesson. There are no more than six million of us (give or take) that Obama has targeted for his grand panoply of stated income tax increases, backdoor tax increases via the taking away of real estate interest, charitable giving and other deductions, capital gains tax increases, etc.If you confiscated 100 percent of our combined incomes, you still couldn’t pay for everybody’s health care.

This is the most vile lie ever told to those working people. Why? Because every dollar of income stolen from me with taxes I retrieve plus three from those working people, to cover the taxes and overhead. I do so by: downsizing companies and cutting jobs, outsourcing jobs, not investing in expansion and creating jobs, and by raising prices. The last, raising prices, causes inflation, the biggest tax on working people and the only tax on poor people. Every tax-the-rich scheme costs far more than it gets. Nothing else could come close to the destruction guaranteed by abusively taxing the rich.

Some honest reporting about all this would consider the so-obvious folly of trying to force six million people to buy health care for 200-million; acknowledge that Obama is not merely returning top tax rates to Clinton or pre-Reagan points but that he is laying on myriad tax increases by removing deductions; and would stop smearing the rich as not-working-people. We ought to be thanked, daily. Better, we should be encouraged to work at creating and building things, but right now we’ve set that aside to work at out-maneuvering Obama’s tax assault, and watch how hard we work at that.

Monday, March 2, 2009

'Atlas Shrugged' From Fiction to Fact in 52 Years

Submitted by blog co-founder, Gina Carr.

Per Gina: It is appropriate that the first post to this blog should be a great editorial by WSJ political columnist and libertarian thought-leader, Stephen Moore. Enjoy...

The direct link to the article is:


Some years ago when I worked at the libertarian Cato Institute, we used to label any new hire who had not yet read "Atlas Shrugged" a "virgin." Being conversant in Ayn Rand's classic novel about the economic carnage caused by big government run amok was practically a job requirement. If only "Atlas" were required reading for every member of Congress and political appointee in the Obama administration. I'm confident that we'd get out of the current financial mess a lot faster.

Many of us who know Rand's work have noticed that with each passing week, and with each successive bailout plan and economic-stimulus scheme out of Washington, our current politicians are committing the very acts of economic lunacy that "Atlas Shrugged" parodied in 1957, when this 1,000-page novel was first published and became an instant hit.

Rand, who had come to America from Soviet Russia with striking insights into totalitarianism and the destructiveness of socialism, was already a celebrity. The left, naturally, hated her. But as recently as 1991, a survey by the Library of Congress and the Book of the Month Club found that readers rated "Atlas" as the second-most influential book in their lives, behind only the Bible.

For the uninitiated, the moral of the story is simply this: Politicians invariably respond to crises -- that in most cases they themselves created -- by spawning new government programs, laws and regulations. These, in turn, generate more havoc and poverty, which inspires the politicians to create more programs . . . and the downward spiral repeats itself until the productive sectors of the economy collapse under the collective weight of taxes and other burdens imposed in the name of fairness, equality and do-goodism.

In the book, these relentless wealth redistributionists and their programs are disparaged as "the looters and their laws." Every new act of government futility and stupidity carries with it a benevolent-sounding title. These include the "Anti-Greed Act" to redistribute income (sounds like Charlie Rangel's promises soak-the-rich tax bill) and the "Equalization of Opportunity Act" to prevent people from starting more than one business (to give other people a chance). My personal favorite, the "Anti Dog-Eat-Dog Act," aims to restrict cut-throat competition between firms and thus slow the wave of business bankruptcies. Why didn't Hank Paulson think of that?

These acts and edicts sound farcical, yes, but no more so than the actual events in Washington, circa 2008. We already have been served up the $700 billion "Emergency Economic Stabilization Act" and the "Auto Industry Financing and Restructuring Act." Now that Barack Obama is in town, he will soon sign into law with great urgency the "American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan." This latest Hail Mary pass will increase the federal budget (which has already expanded by $1.5 trillion in eight years under George Bush) by an additional $1 trillion -- in roughly his first 100 days in office.

The current economic strategy is right out of "Atlas Shrugged": The more incompetent you are in business, the more handouts the politicians will bestow on you. That's the justification for the $2 trillion of subsidies doled out already to keep afloat distressed insurance companies, banks, Wall Street investment houses, and auto companies -- while standing next in line for their share of the booty are real-estate developers, the steel industry, chemical companies, airlines, ethanol producers, construction firms and even catfish farmers. With each successive bailout to "calm the markets," another trillion of national wealth is subsequently lost. Yet, as "Atlas" grimly foretold, we now treat the incompetent who wreck their companies as victims, while those resourceful business owners who manage to make a profit are portrayed as recipients of illegitimate "windfalls."

When Rand was writing in the 1950s, one of the pillars of American industrial might was the railroads. In her novel the railroad owner, Dagny Taggart, an enterprising industrialist, has a FedEx-like vision for expansion and first-rate service by rail. But she is continuously badgered, cajoled, taxed, ruled and regulated -- always in the public interest -- into bankruptcy. Sound far-fetched? On the day I sat down to write this ode to "Atlas," a Wall Street Journal headline blared: "Rail Shippers Ask Congress to Regulate Freight Prices."

In one chapter of the book, an entrepreneur invents a new miracle metal -- stronger but lighter than steel. The government immediately appropriates the invention in "the public good." The politicians demand that the metal inventor come to Washington and sign over ownership of his invention or lose everything.

The scene is eerily similar to an event late last year when six bank presidents were summoned by Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson to Washington, and then shuttled into a conference room and told, in effect, that they could not leave until they collectively signed a document handing over percentages of their future profits to the government. The Treasury folks insisted that this shakedown, too, was all in "the public interest."

Ultimately, "Atlas Shrugged" is a celebration of the entrepreneur, the risk taker and the cultivator of wealth through human intellect. Critics dismissed the novel as simple-minded, and even some of Rand's political admirers complained that she lacked compassion. Yet one pertinent warning resounds throughout the book: When profits and wealth and creativity are denigrated in society, they start to disappear -- leaving everyone the poorer.

One memorable moment in "Atlas" occurs near the very end, when the economy has been rendered comatose by all the great economic minds in Washington. Finally, and out of desperation, the politicians come to the heroic businessman John Galt (who has resisted their assault on capitalism) and beg him to help them get the economy back on track. The discussion sounds much like what would happen today:

Galt: "You want me to be Economic Dictator?"

Mr. Thompson: "Yes!"

"And you'll obey any order I give?"


"Then start by abolishing all income taxes."

"Oh no!" screamed Mr. Thompson, leaping to his feet. "We couldn't do that . . . How would we pay government employees?"

"Fire your government employees."

"Oh, no!"

Abolishing the income tax. Now that really would be a genuine economic stimulus. But Mr. Obama and the Democrats in Washington want to do the opposite: to raise the income tax "for purposes of fairness" as Barack Obama puts it.

David Kelley, the president of the Atlas Society, which is dedicated to promoting Rand's ideas, explains that "the older the book gets, the more timely its message." He tells me that there are plans to make "Atlas Shrugged" into a major motion picture -- it is the only classic novel of recent decades that was never made into a movie. "We don't need to make a movie out of the book," Mr. Kelley jokes. "We are living it right now."

Mr. Moore is senior economics writer for The Wall Street Journal editorial page.

Principlex by Steve Butterbaugh

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